American Rescue Plan Act

  • Plan for Federal Funds

    Cheektowaga Central School District created a plan to utilize the allocation of federal funds to help our students and the school community address issues related to the ongoing pandemic that have affected all families and students. The main areas of focus are:

    • Addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on students, including the impacts of interrupted instruction and learning loss for all students, but especially the impacts on low-income students, children with disabilities, English language learners, and students experiencing homelessness;
    • Implementing evidence-based strategies to meet students' social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs;
    • Purchasing educational technology;
    • Safely returning students to in-person instruction.
    • Offering evidence-based summer, afterschool, and other extended learning and enrichment programs;

    The district's 3-year plan to utilize the allocation of federal CCRSA and ARP funds was finalized in October 2021. We encourage all stakeholders to review the current plan and applications and provide feedback. We continue to gather input via the following email address:  As any substantive revisions are made to the plan in the future, we will formally solicit public comment.

    Our stakeholders include parents, teachers, administrators, and other members of the school community. Please identify which stakeholder group(s) you most closely identify with in your email.

    View the Cheektowaga Central School District's approved American Rescue Plan Act application and financial documents.