- Cheektowaga Central School District
- Office of Learning
- ESSA Title Programs
ESSA Title Programs
New York State ESSA-Funded Programs Complaint Procedures
Complaints may be emailed to CONAPPTAC@nysed.gov with “COMPLAINT” in the subject line of the email. Alternately, a complaint may be mailed to NYSED at the following address:
Title I Complaints
NYS Education Department
Office of ESSA-Funded Programs, Room 320 EB
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12234Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Policy
2024-25 School Comprehensive Plans
- Union East Elementary School Education Plan (SCEP)
- Cheektowaga Central Middle School Education Plan (SCEP)
- Cheektowaga Central School District Improvement Plan (DCIP)
2023-24 School Comprehensive Plans