Inspiring a High Level of Learning

  • The Cheektowaga Central School District is located east of Buffalo with convenient access to major transportation arteries including both rail and air terminals within minutes from the schools. As a first ring suburb to the city of Buffalo, the district boasts of a diverse culture where all students celebrate their uniqueness as well as their unity as Cheektowaga Central Warriors. The school district provides students with the personal attention of a small district as well as the educational opportunities of a large, diversified school district, providing the best of both worlds to its students with approximately 85% of its graduates attending college.

    To accomplish our vision and mission to inspire a high level of learning, the district has set three priorities:

    • to inspire a high level of learning for all students
    • focus on developing the whole child
    • creating opportunities for students to incorporate 21st century skills

    The board of education goals also focus on community involvement. The district encourages parents and community members to become involved in the schools through volunteering. The Cheektowaga Central School District emphasizes high standards, technology integration, parent/community involvement and personal student development. Commitment to the district vision and mission starts at the top with the Board of Education and is thread throughout each building and the community at large.

Core Opportunities

    • The needs of accelerated learners are met through differentiated instruction in the classroom, and then by accelerated, advanced, and/or AP courses / college courses at the secondary level.
    • High school students have many opportunities to earn college credits through articulation agreements with various local institutions of higher learning.
    • The full continuum of Special Education, Academic Intervention and ESL Services are provided at all levels.
    • Utilizing rigorous instructional tools and strategies will build the reading, writing and math skills across all grade levels and content areas.
    • In recent years, six CCSD teachers have been selected to participate in the NYS Master Teachers Program, and one of our teachers has received recognition as a National Board Certified Teacher.
    • In 2020, the district was awarded a six year PTECH grant where several students every year will be selected to participate and earn an Associate degree (free of charge) while in high school. This partnership is with Erie Community College, Erie 1 BOCES and the other Cheektowaga and Depew school districts.

Extra Curriculars

    • Outside of school, clubs provide well-rounded, real-life opportunities for students
    • 13 clubs at the elementary school
    • 20 clubs at the middle school
    • 30 clubs at the high school
    • Athletic opportunities exist from the modified level to varsity for both boys and girls in approximately 22 sports
    • Unified Sports offerings
    • In 2019 Cheektowaga Central was named one of four NYS Unified Champion Schools

The Whole Child

    • Focus on the Whole Child allows the district to provide opportunities for students at every level to develop those “soft skills” so critical to College/Career success.
    • Every building embraces PBIS under our Project Positive Initiative. Students and staff live the “5B’s”: “Be on time and ready; be respectful; be responsible; be safe and be kind.”
    • Restorative Practices are a framework for building community and for responding to challenging behavior through authentic dialogue, coming to understanding, and making things right.
    • Throughout the district, students are involved in service learning, community volunteerism and opportunities to demonstrate civic responsibility.

Technology Integration

    • In the 2019-20 school year, the district implemented a one to one Chromebook initiative for students in grades two through twelve. In grades two through six, students have access to their own Chromebook all day long.
    • During the summer of 2020, all kindergarten and first grade students received iPads to complete the district’s one to one initiative.
    • Google classroom is the primary instructional tool moving us exponentially into 21st century learning.
    • Several STEAM classrooms have been created as well.

The Arts

    • Musicals at both the middle school and high school allow students to express musical and dramatic talent.
    • Student art exhibits are annual community events.
    • The third-grade chorus saw a record enrollment of 89 students during the 2019-20 school year.
    • Although Hybrid and remote instruction due to the COVID 19 pandemic has challenged the district initiatives, the arts have continued to thrive. Virtual concerts and lessons continue at every level.