- Cheektowaga Central School District
- Resources
Nutrition Ideas to practice at School:
- Healthier Beverages, Smart Snacking, and Healthy Celebrations at School
- Healthy Beverages at Concession Stands
- Healthy Celebrations: Promoting a Healthy School Environment (Includes Benfits,Ideas, and How To's)
- National School Lunch Fact Sheet (USDA)
- School Breakfast Fact Sheet (USDA)
- Nutrition Standards for School Meals (SNA)
- Guide to Smart Snacks in School (USDA)
Getting Active During the School Day:
- Physical Activity within the Classroom
- Tips and Ideas from Spingboard to Active Schools
- Energizers
- Take a break cards
- Fuel up to play in school activity breaks
- ABC for fitness
- Brain breaks from Pure Edge in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Chinese, Dari, Farsi and Ukrainian
- Recess data brief (CDC)
For Teachers:
Non-Food Items for Prizes, Recognition, and Rewards:
- Healthy and Fun Non-Food Rewards
- Non-Food Rewards for Kids
- Example of page layout: https://www.lackawannaschools.org/page/healthy-ideas-for-school-and-the-classroom
- NOTE: If the resources are links to 3rd party sites/files then we need a blurb at the bottom about CCSD not being responsible for the ADA compliance of the 3rd party websites/content