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Erie County Family Services TeamAre you struggling with oppositional behaviors, school refusal, defiance to rules or running away? Has your child refused counseling or counseling has been unsuccessful? The Family Services Team can assist parents in stabilizing home environments and linking you to community resources to address your issues.
Appletree Business Park, 2875 Union Road, Cheektowaga, Suite 356Mental Health Advocates of WNYFor assistance, call 716-886-1242 x337, or email sdziwulski@mhawny.org
Child and Family Support Program
The Child and Family Support Program (CFSP) is a peer-run program offering a variety of services including support, advocacy, referrals, and education to those who have a young family member living with a mental illness. Advocates working in the program have a child or family member diagnosed with a mental illness. Youth peer advocates provide support to teens and transition-age young adults.
Short-term respite provided by a trained, experienced, background-cleared respite worker can help parents get a much-needed break.Substance Use
Kids Escaping Drugs
920 Harlem Road, Buffalo, NY 14224
Telephone: (716) 827-9462ECCPASA - Erie County Council for Prevention of Alcohol and Substance Abuse
1625 Hertel Ave, Buffalo, NY 14216
Telephone: (716) 831-2298
When it comes to protecting your child from substances and dangerous situations, knowledge is power. To learn more about these topics so you can have informative and productive conversations, head to https://talkitover.org/WNY United Drug Awareness Handbook
Erie County Day Care Unit
95 Franklin Street, Room 448, Buffalo, New York 14202
Telephone: (716) 858-8953
Low-income child care assistance is available to employed families who earn 200 percent or less of the Federal Poverty Level. Parents contribute toward the cost of care based on a sliding income scale.